I help your
business grow


In my practice, I specialize in comprehensive tax consultancy for legal entities as well as regular people. My aim is to support clients in their business activities. Regardless of whether you are taking your first steps in business or managing a large company, you deserve a reliable, experienced and proven partner. I will provide you with the tax and accounting support you need so you can focus on the business goals that matter to you. Knowledge of the specifics of the market and industry is crucial in the world today, as it not only helps clients but also creates opportunities for the development of their business. This is something I can provide.

„My goal is to make your business
activities easier and more efficient.“

Choose the area I can help you with:

The business you wish to pursue must comply with many regulations and respond to constant changes in legislation. Fulfilling these responsibilities is much easier when you can count on the timely support of an expert. I offer you services grounded in quality, knowledge and experience. I constantly analyze changes and amendments to domestic and international tax law in order to choose the best solutions for each client. With the help of tax and accounting optimization, I will ensure the stable and safe growth of your business.

Individual (Tailored) approach

Everybody\’s needs are different. In the services I provide, I always adapt my approach to the needs and expectations of each individual client. I also believe that a clear and understandable explanation of possible solutions is key to an effective and successful cooperation.


I offer consultancy based on real experience. Services are provided to my clients to the best of my knowledge and with required diligence. I also pay attention to the continuous advancement of qualifications.


My goal is to provide my clients with long-term solutions that not only satisfy their current needs but at the same time prevent possible tax issues that may arise in the future.


It matters to me that I maintain the highest standards regarding the services I provide. I guarantee full discretion and security of your data and other sensitive information.

Client references

Před spoluprací s Ondřejem mě účetnictví stálo mnoho času a pochybností. S Ondřejem Bechyně vše funguje s lehkostí, zpracovaným dokumentům a radám rozumím. Radím se s ním i dalších oblastech podnikání.

Ivo Škola


Mr. Bechyně is very capable and professional tax adviser with a lot of knowledge and experience in his field. My leagl office has been using his services for 4 years and I am higly satisfied with our cooperation.

Grzegorz Lenart

radca prawny

V čem spatřují přednosti daňového poradce Mgr. Bc. Ondřeje Bechyně? V jeho kreativitě, empatii, intenzitě nasazení při řešení zadané problematiky, přitom vše podloženo právní a ekonomickou erudicí a předchozí praxí v advokátní kanceláři.

JUDr. Ladislav Zvolský


Ondrej Bechyne was assisting my company in all the fiscal aspects and also as advisor. He is very professional and pays attention to any customer, no matter which is the size of the company. He helped to reorganize my company and since 2019 he is our preferred supplier.

Claudio Baggiani

International Business cluster, s.r.o.

S Ondřejem Bechyněm spolupracujeme už několik let a dlouhodobě nám pomáhá profesionálně vést účetnictví, mzdy a komunikuje s úřady, když je potřeba. My se tak v Helveti můžeme plně soustředit na hodinky, kterým rozumíme zase my.

Jiří Štencek

Helveti s.r.o.


Do you need help during tax inspection, a lawsuit or discrepancy in accounting?
Email or call me today
